Taking care
of business is exactly what this boy does, whether it's in the
show ring or at home, Elvis delivers! A solid built dog with
impressive bone and substance, a gorgeous typey headpiece,
powerful drive in the rear, and the sweetest personality that
wins over everyone he meets. Elvis truly is a Hunka Burnin’
At 9 months
of age and his first weekend out, Elvis went Best of Breed
over a top ranked Special making him the second in his litter
to do so as a puppy. Elvis was shown a total of only 5
weekends and exclusively in the Bred By Exhibitor class. He
finished his championship in style with a total of 4 majors!
Elvis is now
proving himself to be an excellent producer. He is producing
size, typey headpieces with excellent pigment, great movement
and his sweet temperament. Elvis is the sire of
Pebbles, Barbie,
Ricky Bobby and